Wie-trinkt-man-Gin THE DUKE

How do you drink gin?

Drink gin – but how?

Gin has been consistently among the most popular alcoholic drinks for almost a decade now. There is no end to the hype or the renaissance in sight. On the contrary – more and more different brands, bottles and flavors are entering the market. This means that the juniper spirit also reaches people who might not otherwise be particularly concerned with alcoholic beverages. And then the fundamental question often arises: How do you actually drink gin?

As banal as the question may sound, the answer to it is varied. For this reason, in this blog we would like to introduce you to the seven most popular ways to drink gin:

  1. Drink gin straight
  2. Drink gin as a long drink: Gin & Tonic | Munich Mule
  3. Mix gin cocktails
  4. Gin tastings
  5. Drink gin in the bar
  6. Drink gin with or without ice
  7. Drink gin with friends

1. Drink gin straight

A good gin often contains many different herbs and spices, so-called botanicals, which ultimately determine the taste of the gin. With our classic THE DUKE Munich Dry Gin there are 13 botanicals Wanderlust Gin even 20. Even a trained palate is usually unable to taste all of these different flavors. If you want to absorb as much of the gin's aromatic range as possible, you should not mix it with additional flavors such as those of tonic water. Even on its own, there is a lot to discover for the taste buds.

As with other spirits, the same applies to gin: when cooled, the intensity of the taste and smell is reduced. So if you want to have as much flavor in your mouth as possible, it is best to taste it pure at room temperature. Distillates are often more digestible when chilled or on ice, as the palate and nose are not overwhelmed as much. The actual alcohol taste also reduces the colder the gin is drunk.


The right glass

The choice of glass you use to drink gin neat also plays a role. Not least because a large part of the taste is also absorbed through the nose. It is not for nothing that glasses that are usually used for pure tasting are also called “nosing glasses”. The gin can “breathe” and fully develop its aroma in the bulbous, goblet-shaped glasses. However, because it tapers upwards, it doesn't evaporate as quickly. Consequently, other glasses with a similar balloon shape, such as congnac snifters, are also suitable for drinking gin straight.


2. Drink gin as a long drink: Gin & Tonic | Munich Mule

Undoubtedly the most popular way to drink gin is the long drink - especially the Gin and Tonic. A long drink generally describes a simple cocktail variant, consisting of a spirit and a filler. For a classic Gin & Tonic (also “Gin Tonic”), approx. 4-6 cl of gin (spirit) are poured into an ice-filled container Long drink glass given and poured with tonic water (filler). The drink is often garnished with an orange zest, for example.

Another very popular form of a gin long drink is the Munich Mule, a variation of the Moscow Mule characterized by the Munich-based THE DUKE Gin. To do this, the vodka in the Moscow Mule is simply replaced with gin. The filler used in both long drinks is ginger beer. Additionally, 2cl lime juice is added to the drink. The classic garnish is a cucumber slice and a lime zest or slice.


Ice cubes are also an important factor for the perfect long drink. These should not be too small (no crushed ice) and above all you should not use too little ice. It is a misconception that a drink with a lot of ice becomes watered down more quickly. Lots of ice in the glass cools the drink down quickly and keeps it cool for a long time. One or two small ice cubes, on the other hand, melt quickly and water down the drink much more quickly.

The question of the right garnish also often comes up when mixing gin & tonic. You should always make sure that the taste of the drink is not changed too much, but that the flavors already present in the gin are emphasized. For gins that are distilled with citrus fruits or peels, for example, an orange or lemon zest is a good option. For herbal gins, a sprig of rosemary or thyme is often added to the glass. With its strong taste, cucumber clearly overshadows the often subtle aromas of Gin & Tonic and should therefore only be used as a garnish by avowed cucumber lovers or with gins that are distilled with cucumber.  

 You can also find five tips for the perfect gin and tonic in ours THE DUKE Gin & Tonic recipe.

In addition to the classic Gin & Tonic and the Munich Mule, the increasing selection of fillers means there are countless other long drinks and long drink variations for drinking gin. You can find a selection of perfect combinations at Long drink sets with our gins. Also ready-mixed ones Long drinks in a can is there THE DUKE Gin and LION's Vodka.

The right glass

You can use different glasses for long drinks - the most common are so-called highball glasses or Tumblers. It is important that they have enough capacity for gin, ice cubes and fillers. The silhouette of classic long drink glasses is usually straight or slightly wider towards the top. Goblets, similar to a large red wine glass, are also often used for gin and tonic, often in combination with a large round ice cube.

3. Mix gin cocktails

The most complex and diverse way to drink gin is the cocktail. The range of gin cocktails is endless and new recipes are created every day. A variety of different ingredients are often mixed in cocktails and it is not uncommon for several spirits to be used together. Special bar utensils such as cocktail shakers, bar sieves (strainers), bar measures (jiggers), etc. are usually used to mix the drinks. However, there are also very simple cocktails such as the Martini, which is made only with dry gin, vermouth and optionally with orange bitters. Other gin cocktail classics include the Negroni, the Tom Collins or a gin sour. You can find a variety of cocktail recipes here Drinks.

Due to the knowledge required to prepare cocktails correctly, they are usually drunk in appropriate cocktail bars and are rarely mixed at home. Especially in more complex cocktails, the bar scene likes to use a gin with a strong juniper note, such as ours THE DUKE Rough Gin used because its aroma is not lost even with a variety of other ingredients. You can get a detailed insight into mixology, including recipes for remixing, in our bartender portraits   Tales.


The right glass

Cocktail glasses - like cocktails - are available in a wide variety and in a wide variety of shapes and sizes. So-called cocktail bowls (also called coupettes) are common, but highball glasses or tumblers are also used for cocktails. The choice of glass also depends on the type of cocktail. For example, there are also special martini glasses. But also Stone jars, which is usually associated with Bavarian beer, is perfect for some drinks thanks to its cooling properties.

4. Gin Tastings

As the popularity of gin increased, so did the number of gins on the market. According to the spirits regulations, up to 120 different botanicals can be used to make gin. In addition to the juniper berry that connects them all, the scope for different flavors is enormous. Different manufacturing processes and alcohol contents also expand the gin spectrum. In addition to the theoretical knowledge about the vvarious botanicals and different types of gin There is often only one thing that helps you find the right gin for yourself: gin tastings. In gin tastings, different gins are tasted and compared together with an expert - usually pure, but often also as a long drink. This gives you the opportunity to compare different types and flavors of gin and then choose your personal favorite. We offer in addition to ours Distillery tours also Online Gin Tastings in which, in addition to the tasting, we answer all questions about gin in a video call - including how to drink gin.

5. Drink gin in the bar

Many people are probably familiar with this situation: You come into a well-stocked bar and want to order a drink. You open the map and... you're completely overwhelmed. A variety of drinks, in a variety of categories with names you've never heard of before. “Well, then I’ll just have a classic Gin & Tonic,” you think – and you’re faced with the next hurdle. Which of the many gins is the right one and which tonic water goes with it? There are exactly three ways to proceed here: 1. You have already looked into gin a little and know at least a few of the brands on the menu and decide on something tried and tested. 2. You get friendly advice from the bartender and trust their expertise. 3.

Cocktails are generally delivered to the table ready-mixed, but in many gin and cocktail bars the ingredients for long drinks are served separately, i.e. you get a glass with ice cubes, a bottle of tonic and a (nosing) glass with the chosen gin. This is not malice or laziness on the part of the bartender, but is intended to give the guest the opportunity to taste the gin neat before mixing it with the filler. This also gives you the opportunity to influence the mixing ratio of the long drink yourself. Basically, you shouldn't be afraid to ask the bar team for recommendations or to ask if anything is unclear. They are happy to provide you with a GINutful evening.


6. Drink gin with or without ice

The question of how to drink gin is often accompanied by the question “With ice or without?”. The answer depends on whether you drink gin straight or not.

The general rule is: there is definitely ice in a long drink, lots of ice. Most other cocktails also have ice cubes in the glass, or at least they are shaken over ice when making them so that the drink can be served ice cold.

If you drink gin straight, it depends on how intense the taste you would like the gin to be. Just read point 1 again. Drink gin straight.

7. Drink gin with friends

No matter what gin, it always tastes best with the right people. Whether it's talking shop at a self-organized gin tasting with friends or simply having a delicious gin & tonic after work or at the weekend. When a girlfriend or good friend makes you a fresh drink with love, it usually tastes a little better because you're in good company. That's why you should toast together with your loved ones more often - to the friendship, to having each other and to a GINtastic life!



In conclusion, one can say: In the end, it is your personal taste and preferences that decide how you drink gin. You can't and shouldn't tell anyone how or what to drink. Because it is neither a “crime” to mix high-quality gin into a drink, nor is it a “crime” to not like gin at all. It's a matter of taste and that's why the only correct answer to the question of how to drink gin is: the way you like it best.

And no matter how tasty the gin and no matter how thirsty, gin - like any other alcohol - should always be drunk in moderation. A glass of good gin should be for enjoyment and not for intoxication.
