Löwenmilch mit Bockshornkleesamen infused Lion's Vodka

lion milk


5cl Fenugreek seeds infused LION's Vodka*

1 cl Suze gentian liqueur

2 cl coconut water

1 cl homemade golden milk syrup**

1 cl homemade milk-mint syrup***

3 Dash Clarified Apple Horseradish Essence****

4 cl ginger beer


Pour ginger beer into a highball glass with ice, shake all other ingredients over ice, strain into the highball glass and garnish with fresh mint.

*Production of infused LION's Vodka:

Put 50 g of organic fenugreek seeds in a pot, pour hot water over them and let them swell for about 15 minutes. Filter off the water. Put the slightly soaked seeds with 400 ml of LION's Vodka in a sealable container or bottle and let them macerate for about 4 hours, toss every now and then and then strain.

**Production of Golden Milk Syrup:

Add 2 teaspoons of organic turmeric vanilla powder (e.g. CosmopoliTea) to 200 ml warmed milk and 200 ml fenugreek seed water (see above), add 400 g white sugar, let simmer without heat for about 1 hour until the sugar has dissolved, then filter through a strainer cloth.

***Production of milk-mint syrup:

Heat 400 ml milk in a saucepan, remove from the heat, stir in 400 g white sugar until dissolved. Put 1 bunch of fresh mint leaves and stems in the pot, close tightly and let simmer for about 1 hour, then filter with a sieve.

****Preparation of milk-clarified apple-horseradish essence:

Mix 100 ml apple juice, 100 ml apple cider vinegar and 3 teaspoons of horseradish cream well in a container, pour the mixture into an open container with approx. 300 ml 3.5% milk. Min. Let it stand at room temperature for 6 hours until the milk protein sets slightly, carefully pour the liquid into a kitchen sieve with a strainer cloth and let it drain. Add the clarified essence to a dash bottle.