Herzog Heinrich mit THE DUKE Munich Dry Gin

Duke Henry


4 cl THE DUKE Munich Dry Gin Infused Berry Tea*

2 cl lemon juice

1 cl Campari

1 cl elderberry syrup

8cl Aqua Monaco Green


Pour all ingredients into a long drink glass over ice and stir briefly. Garnish with mint sprig and dried orange slice with gold dust.**

*Manufacture THE DUKE Munich Dry Gin Infused Berry Tea

0.7 l THE DUKE Munich Dry Gin

20g Berry Tea

Put them together in a container and let them steep for about 2 hours. Strain through a sieve and pour back into the bottle.

**Preparation of garnish:



Cut the oranges into slices and place them together on a tray. Let it steep at 80°C for about 30 minutes (until dry). Dust the orange slices and a fresh mint sprig with gold dust and allow to cool.