Honey Bunny mit THE DUKE Playboy Edition

Honey Bunny


6 cl THE DUKE Playboy Edition – Madeira Cask Finish Gin

3 cl orange-carrot sherbet*

2 cl Runny Honey (alternatively: 2:1 honey & hot water)


Carrot in strips


Pour the orange-carrot sherbet with Playboy gin and Runny Honey into a glass filled with ice and stir. Pour over the crémant and garnish with two carrot strips rolled up into spirals – cheers!

*Production of orange-carrot sherbet

Cut 1/2 carrot into thin strips with a peeler, muddle with the zest of an orange in a sealable container and leave to steep in 150 g sugar overnight. Heat this oil sugar with 150 ml of freshly squeezed orange juice and dissolve it while stirring. Allow to cool and strain.